Hackney Wicked Festival @ Hackney Wick

The Wick, the weak and the wicked


Unknown band ...folking up the Hackney Wick overground.

Lois and The Love Joan As Police Woman looks, Led Zep onstage drama and a hint of Joplin in the voice. Not a bad music recipe...

Quilla Constance Just another Oxford grad...

Main Stage The sound of the overground


  1. Quilla Constance was like Grace Jones on Speed. I LOVE HER. LOVE HER COSTUMES. Just found this video of her performing at Hackney Wicked http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Us70d4ijuq8

  2. Thanks! Unfortunately I haven't had much time to write about her. She actually reminded me of Ebony Bones. Check her out at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3oc-vVDw1I&feature=related

  3. Quilla Constance is political. First saw her perform outside Punk Soho in June. They screwed her over so she did a protest gig outside. I happened to be on Soho Street that night. Here's the video:

  4. Thanks for the video. It was an awesome move on her part! Unfortunately, I can't say she has the same impact on me musically...:)

  5. Yea I see what ur saying but for me Quilla is fearless and doesn't seem concerned with ticking musical boxes. I think she's doing something quite different to EB who I also like but QC appears to take the piss and has a harder edge. I personally find this more exciting...then again if I was out clubbing I might prefer to dance to EB...But i'm interested to see/hear what Quilla does next....:0
